Calon Mahasiswa > Admisi

Calon Mahasiswa



Petunjuk Pendaftaran

Mahasiswa Domestik

Mahasiswa Internasional

Persyaratan Mahasiswa Domestik

Prospective students must:

  1. Berwarganegara Indonesia
  2. Lulusan pendidikan SMA/ SMK/ MA atau sederajat
  3. Usia maksimal 25 tahun saat melamar program diploma dan sarjana
  1. Hold citizenship other than Indonesian
  2. Graduate from senior high school education or equals
  3. Maximum 25 years old when applying to diploma and undergraduate programs

Document Required:

  1. Scan of the relevant pages of your passport
  2. Scan of Passport-sized photographs (red-background)
  3. Senior high school certificate and academic transcripts for diploma and Undergraduate Programs; college degree certificate and academic transcripts for Graduate Program
  4. Personal statement or Motivation letter mentioning your vision of why you want to join Telkom University in 1-2 pages A4 (file format: pdf, doc, docx, and jpeg)
  5. Statement of Compliance to Rules & Non-Employment (download template here)
  6. Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Master degree program (download template here)
  7. Reference letter from schools or places where applicants work for Master degree programs (download template here)
  8. Thesis Plan for Master degree program

Visa & Imigration:

After receiving the Letter of Acceptance, the applicant must obtain a study permit issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia to apply for a student visa.

Alur Pendaftaran

Biaya Pendidikan

Fakultas Rekayasa Industri Universitas Telkom Bandung

Gedung C, No., Jl. Telekomunikasi No.10, Sukapura, Kec. Dayeuhkolot, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat 40257

Copyright 2023 Master of Industrial Engineering Telkom University
